Sorry I have not been blogging for a while. So much has been going on. We sold our house and bought a new one. Our closing date is on the 24th of July so we are gearing up for the big move. Things have been really busy. Cooper is doing amazing and is learning so many new things. He now says all of the animal noises, hi, bye, momma, dada, more, ball, Elmo, love you, and others that are mostly hard to make out. He sings the wheels on the bus pretty well and does the motions which is precious. He is a climber and knows how to get up and down off of the couch (scary). He runs instead of walks and laughs all the time. We are so blessed to have him!!!!
Oh, one more fun thing is my sister is pregnant!!!! This was as good of news to me as it was finding out I was pregnant. We can wait to find out if she is having a boy or a girl and to welcome the little angel into our family. Yay!
Here are some recent pictures of Coop. Please enjoy!
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