Yes, it has been over a year since I have updated this blog! I have had my hands full with being a full time working Mommy. I know that is not a good enough excuse but it is what it is :-). So much has been going on and Cooper is getting so big. We are working on potty training right now which is both rewarding and frustrating at the same time. Cooper's teacher called me today and said he came up to her and said, "Miss Mahala, I pooped in my pants!" She took him to the bathroom and showed him what he did. She said, "Cooper, why would you poop in your big boy underwear?" His response was, "Because I am Cooper Vance and I poop in my pants!" As you can tell, I have my hands full.
This past weekend we took a trip with 14 of our adult friends and 14 kiddos to the pumpkin patch/corn maze in Missouri. It was so much fun but as you can imagine keeping up with 28 people was a task! Here are some pictures from our little adventure. As always ENJOY!
**I will try to get better at updating this blog more in the future :-)